
Here's a pseudo-code rendering of the PlayerClass state with all the structs merged together so that you can see it "all in one".

pub struct PlayerClass {
    pub namespaces: Option<Vec<NamespaceAndIndex>>,
    pub parent: Option<Pubkey>,
    pub mint: Option<Pubkey>,
    pub metadata: Option<Pubkey>,
    pub edition: Option<Pubkey>,
    pub data: PlayerClassData,
    pub existing_children: u64,
    pub bump: u8,

pub struct PlayerClassData {
    pub settings: PlayerClassSettings,
    pub config: PlayerClassConfig,

pub struct PlayerClassSettings {
    pub default_category: Option<PlayerCategory>,
    pub children_must_be_editions: Option<Boolean>,
    pub builder_must_be_holder: Option<Boolean>,
    pub update_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    pub instance_update_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    pub build_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    pub equip_item_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    pub add_item_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    pub use_item_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    // if not set, assumed to use equip permissiveness
    pub unequip_item_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    // if not set, assumed to use remove item permissiveness
    pub remove_item_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    pub staking_warm_up_duration: Option<u64>,
    pub staking_cooldown_duration: Option<u64>,
    pub staking_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    // if not set, assumed to use staking permissiveness
    pub unstaking_permissiveness: Option<Vec<Permissiveness>>,
    pub child_update_propagation_permissiveness: Option<Vec<ChildUpdatePropagationPermissiveness>>,

pub struct PlayerClassConfig {
    pub starting_stats_uri: Option<StatsUri>,
    pub basic_stats: Option<Vec<BasicStatTemplate>>,
    pub body_parts: Option<Vec<BodyPart>>,
    pub equip_validation: Option<Callback>,
    pub add_to_pack_validation: Option<Callback>,

PlayerClass is cut into two major areas: The settings and the config. The settings mostly covers who may do what to either the class or its children. There is even a permissiveness (child_update_propagation_permissiveness) that covers which permissions and data propagate to children!

The config focuses on what most devs classically recognize as the "definition" of a Player. You can define BodyParts, BasicStats, which in their blueprint form are called BasicStatTemplates, and the starting URI for each Player in this class. Players will inherit this information as their starting state.

You can describe a starting URI as some third party link, similar to the URI in Token Metadata. Maybe it's JSON, maybe it's an image, it can be anything you like. All instantiated Player from this PlayerClass will start with it, and it should contain richer data about the Player that cannot be contained within BodyParts or BasicStats. It works via 'write-on-change' so when you make an update to Player, you can change it to a new URI that represents a small shift away from the common starting URI all Players of the same class share.

Any change to a PlayerClass can be permissionlessly propagated to all Players via a hit to the update_player endpoint on the Player contract for each Player. So feel free to add a new body part to the Warrior class if you need it!

Here is the Player state:

pub struct Player {
    pub namespaces: Option<Vec<NamespaceAndIndex>>,
    // extra byte that is always 1 to simulate same structure as player class.
    pub padding: u8,
    pub parent: Pubkey,
    pub class_index: u64,
    pub mint: Option<Pubkey>,
    pub metadata: Option<Pubkey>,
    pub edition: Option<Pubkey>,
    pub bump: u8,
    pub tokens_staked: u64,
    pub active_item_counter: u64,
    pub items_in_backpack: u64,
    pub data: PlayerData,
    pub equipped_items: Vec<EquippedItem>,

pub struct EquippedItem {
    item: Pubkey,
    amount: u64,
    index: u16,

pub struct PlayerData {
    pub stats_uri: Option<StatsUri>,
    pub category: Option<PlayerCategory>,
    pub basic_stats: Option<Vec<BasicStat>>,

The Player state is much smaller than the PlayerClass and is sort of the yin to the class's yang - it contains only the stateful pieces of information that vary from Player to Player. For instance, there is an array of equipped items, and for each BasicStatTemplate, a corresponding BasicStat that represents the current state of that Stat.

You'll also notice that, as with Items, it's possible for the PlayerClass and Player to be either entirely separate NFTs or indeed, the SAME NFT! Due to the index system used with the PDA seeds, you could have the same NFT have a class defined at index 0, and its instance defined at index 1. This would be the Singleton pattern for those of you familiar with OO programming styles.

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