Step 1 - Create Main Class

This step creates the player class on chain and stores the information needed in the configuration file.

To run, issue the following command:

boot-up step_one_create_main_nft_class \
                   --env mainnet-beta \
                   --rpc-url \
                   --log-level debug \
                   --keypair ./nftCollectionUpdateAuthority.json \
                   --config-path ./bootsConfigurationFile.json

The command line parameters are as follows:


-e, --env

Which environment to use (devnet, testnet, mainnet-beta, localnet)

-r, --rpc-url

The RPC to use to connect to Solana. This should be a paid RPC, as this application causes heavy use to the RPC.

-l, --loglevel

The log level to use (all, trace, DEBUG, info, warn, error, fatal, off)

-k, --keypair

The keypair which is the update authority for the NFT collection

-cp, --config-path

The path to the configuration file

-h, --help

Get help with this command

The output of the help option is the following:

Usage: boot_up step_one_create_main_nft_class [options]

  -e, --env <string>           Solana cluster env name (default: "devnet")
  -r, --rpc-url <string>       Solana cluster rpc-url
  -l, --log-level <string>     log level
  -k, --keypair <path>         Solana wallet location
  -cp, --config-path <string>  JSON file with namespace settings
  -h, --help                   display help for command

After this command is run, the existingClassDef entry of the configuration file will be updated with the class definition information.

Once this command finishes successfully, you can move on to the next step

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